MORE about me
I am a wife to a wonderful husband who shares my love for health and wellness and was the catalyst for me pursuing a career in fitness and nutrition. I am also a mama to the best little girl, Cecelia and four sweet baby cats that I never knew I needed but now I cannot live without them. I grew up in Ohio and currently live in Kentucky.
Being an athlete most of my life, health and fitness has always been more of a hobby for me and wasn’t something I considered when I went to college. I attended design school and earned my BS in Interior Design at one of the top design schools in the country. After working in design for a few years, I realized I was spending all of my free time learning as much as I could about my personal nutrition and improving my performance as an athlete, which led me to make my passion for fitness and wellness my career. I have worked in the health and fitness industry for nearly a decade now and wear many hats. I have experience as a competitive athlete, a fitness coach, a nutrition coach, cooking and creating meal prep recipes and menus for a local restaurant and I recently earned my yoga teacher training certification.
I think it’s apparent that I believe in a holistic approach to health. This belief, along with my love for learning and supporting others in living their best life, has brought me here to this career of helping others do the same. I believe that nutrition is about much more than the food you put into your body and that building habits in all areas of our lives is what creates long-term change.
One of my biggest missions as a coach is to encourage my clients to embrace their own journey and to recognize that it is just that -- a journey that takes time and patience. We are always a work in progress. Our health is personal and our challenges and experiences are our own.
I feel so grateful to do the work that I do. My favorite part of coaching is witnessing when clients feel freedom in their relationship with food and the transformation that clients experience as they pursue their goals and understand how good they can feel all the time! I believe that the small things are where all the magic happens, saying yes to a side of fries shouldn’t even be a question, and recognizing that food can fuel you to live your best life.

certifications + experience
Bachelor of science
Precision Nutrition L1
CF-L2 | Crossfit trainer since 2012
200-hour Yoga Alliance Power Vinyasa Teacher Training
Health Mindset Coaching Certified (HMCC)
Former competitive athlete
I started playing sports at a very young age and fondly remember an upbringing that taught me all about hard work, discipline and pushing myself to be my best. I have always led an active lifestyle but my personal journey with nutrition has been a process full of learning and lots and lots of trial and error (and it still continues to this day!).
For me, nutrition has never really been about aesthetic goals, but more about performing my best. Even so, I didn’t really consider the role nutrition played in my performance or my fitness level until I started doing CrossFit in 2012 and someone handed me a book about Paleo. I knew that I wanted to compete and was looking to change my nutrition in a way that would help fuel my performance, however I had no idea what this meant. I experimented for several years with many diets, from Paleo to Whole 30. Though I was eating “clean” and feeling better, I never truly felt like I was eating to fuel my performance and struggled with having enough energy to finish workouts, let alone maximize my recovery. At this point, I was overtraining and under eating - my body was unhappy, telling me through signs like amenorrhea and my inability to recover from my workouts. My relationship with food was defined by a list of approved foods, but none of them were helping me reach my goals.
After diving deeper into learning more about nutrition and starting to work with a coach of my own, I was able to really dial in on what I was eating and pay attention to my nutrition outside of the gym. Having the accountability, knowledge and support of a coach allowed me to understand my personal nutrition and that has made all the difference in how I perform and recover. Tracking my macros has not only helped me learn how to eat for my goals to train and compete, it has also helped me overcome a mindset of restriction and approach my nutrition with a focus on overall performance and flexibility. I know that carbs are essential, that eating more is a good thing, and that finding balance in my diet also applies to fueling and recovery.
Even now, as I move away from competing and focus more on overall health, my goals of looking and feeling my best haven’t changed. Tracking is a tool that I still use from time to time as it holds me accountable to ensure that I’m eating enough to keep my body healthy and happy. In fact, my nutrition has become a source of consistency and habit for me that allows me to handle a really demanding schedule, balancing several jobs (because I love what I do!) and a husband in a demanding career. For someone who lives a really jam packed life, flexible nutrition has been crucial in helping me balance my busy lifestyle with my continued quest for being my best self.
“Working with Diana has honestly changed my life. I have a much healthier relationship with food and with myself. I’ve become more acutely aware of the impact of sleep and stress on my body. I’ve learned to be a better listener to my body’s hunger cues and need for rest. I’m enjoying workouts again and not feeling burnt out on exercise or nutrition. I’ve learned to be more kind to myself and that flexibility with nutrition is a safe choice that doesn’t have to lead to nights of binge eating and feeling unsatisfied and unhappy. Diana has helped me navigate various situations, points out things that are going well when I’m having a hard time, she is always positive and supportive, and constantly helps me remember why flexibility is important. ”
“I was looking to gradually increase my macros to better fuel my workouts and build strength, and I got so much more than I bargained for! I quickly realized how skewed my relationship with food was and Diana basically held my hand every step of the way. She had so many great ideas and feedback every week that helped me change my mindset about food and my eating habits. It was still a challenging process that I had to work very hard at, but Diana made me feel like I could always be open and honest about every single struggle I had and that it was all a part of my process. Now I am capable of enjoying certain foods I want without guilt or overtraining to make up for it and my mood, energy, sleep, and recovery is better than I could’ve expected. I’m so grateful for the investment I made in myself but also for the investment she made in seeing me succeed.”
“I can’t say enough good things about working with Diana. She understood my goals for both weight loss and performance. She genuinely wanted to see me hit my goals just as bad as I did. She was patient and went out of her way to understand my unique situation. We worked together to figure out what worked vs. what didn’t, to ultimately get me to a place where I feel dialed in with my nutrition. I am honestly consuming more food daily than I have on average over the last 10 years. All while continuing to see my performance increase and the scale continuing to trend downward. Let that sink in for a second: Increased intake -> dropping lbs -> performing better! I can honestly say that I am in the best shape of my life and I attribute that to hard work, consistency, and KLN.”
“I have worked with Diana for a couple of years. She has coached me through navigating my nutrition goals in seasons of living in a hotel for several months while working 60 hour work weeks at night, weight loss goals for my wedding, pregnancy maintenance and postpartum weight loss, plus what I needed nutritionally to get me through running a half marathon twice! Diana and I have been through a lot!
Each of these occurrences looked different, but also taught me core knowledge on how to treat my body during seasons of weight loss and maintenance. I’ve learned so much about what foods will help fuel my body, as well as choices I can make to feel my best while also losing weight. I’m very grateful for her help, and I feel as though I am prepared to take care of myself nutritionally as different circumstances arise.”
“Coach D - I just wanted to thank you for everything that you did for me. I have learned so much throughout my journey and I feel more confident in my skin. You have always encouraged me and was always there for me if I needed you. When I started this journey 1 year ago I felt like I hit a wall after trying so many different diets and failing each time because they were never sustainable. My relationship with food was horrible. Now the anxiety that was once there has now dissolved. I’m not scared anymore to have a cookie or a slice of birthday cake. I have learned to enjoy the experience and not label foods as “good” or “bad”. I have come such a long way and I will be forever grateful to you and KLN.”
“When I realized that my relationship with food was terrible, I finally decided to hire a nutrition coach. I thought I knew what macros were, but my macros only included chicken, broccoli, almonds, and protein powder. I was overweight and just plain unhappy. Diana held my hand and encouraged me. My initial goal was just to get the weight off. Through consistency I was able to go from 268 pounds to around 212. I retained most of my strength and now I’m transitioning to learning how to fuel my activities. I feel great, look awesome and can run again for the first time in 4 years while rocking my daily Crossfit workouts. Most importantly, my years of on again off again dieting are over. I have learned how to have a balanced and sustainable relationship with food.”
“I reached out to Kate and she set me up to work with Diana and it has been one of the absolute best decisions I have made! I was able to begin to change my relationship with food, fuel my body for more intense workouts, and see some really exciting body comp changes! I started out chasing a number on the scale thinking that would help me feel more confident, but quickly learned that crushing workouts, seeing new muscles pop up, and lifting were really all I needed to feel stronger and more confident in myself than I have in a long time. Coach D’s constant encouragement each week during our check-ins was something that really helped me to feel more than capable of setting bigger goals for myself than a number on the scale. In fact, for the first time, maybe ever, I don’t even care what the scale says when I step on it. I know how I feel and the progress I can see both in the gym and in the mirror and that is what motivates me!”
“I made the choice to work with KLN for the holistic approach they take, and the focus not only on macros but also on mindset because I knew I wanted sustainable results.
I am actually a coach in my own life and I know how wonderful it can be to have some support and I was curious about what that can look like for me. Diana has gone above and beyond all of my expectations. I am always met with kindness and encouragement and she answers all of my questions in such a detailed way.
I have noticed a significant change on the scale and in my body composition, but what has been most exciting for me are all the non-scale related victories. I’m moving faster and I’m feeling strong in the gym. When it comes to food, nothing is off limits. I still go out and socialize and really enjoy the food in front of me; I eat what I like and I feel very in tune with my body.
I feel empowered around the choices I’m making instead of powerless.”
““I have seen so many changes besides physical. I have seen mental and emotional changes. I am happier, I feel in control of my eating which I don’t think I’ve ever been able to say that before. To my new friend Diana, thank you so much.”
“Thank you!! I have to say my relationship with food has completely changed. Since I don’t feel restricted all week I don’t feel the need to indulge on the weekends like I used to do. I was really reflecting today about how I don’t miss any specific foods because every time I have wanted them I’ve modified them, cooked them myself and made them work within my limits! That’s HUGE for me. I can definitely see this working long term and I am so appreciative for your help!”
“For me, the accountability of the weekly check-in along with the feeling of having Diana as a partner in this process has been a complete game changer. Diana has totally exceeded my expectations in terms of what I thought a coaching relationship could provide. She is a cherished teammate and cheerleader. She celebrates my victories with genuine excitement, helps me see my own successes where I have a hard time noticing them, brainstorms solutions for challenges that come up, and always meets me where I’m at. I feel less alone in this process, and I’ve started to believe that maybe there really could be long-term sustainable change here for me. Her approach is flexible and uplifting. For YEARS, my eating habits were a challenge and real source of distress; that’s not true anymore, and I’m thankful for that beyond words.”
“Flexible nutrition has helped me get so damn close to my goals of feeling confident, free and healthy and I 100% couldn’t have done it without Diana! I think about what’s in my food and I care about what I put into my body. I can have wine, I can have pizza AND I can be down 20 lbs in a healthy way that didn’t ever make me feel like I was “dieting”. It’s just incredible! I’m so close to my goal weight and feel so proud of what I have accomplished for myself this year. It feels good knowing that this is my lifestyle now.”
“Thanks for everything this past year, it’s been a really really solid year of dialing in some of my habits and learning about myself with your guidance and support. I feel so very ready to continue practicing balance, listening to my body, employing what I’ve learned about my cycle, my hunger, and my mindset. THANK YOU!!!!!”
“Thank you so so much for everything over these months together. I am so grateful to have crossed paths with you - you’ve changed my life and my family’s life for the better. You are kind and generous and an amazing coach, and I loved working with you!
The last couple weeks have been rough, but I’m also so grateful you and I did all this work together before this happened. I went into an emergency surgery walking and talking and in great health, and the doctor praised me for it and was confident in a successful surgery and recovery because of it. I know our work together helped me through that, and it’s a great indicator to keep going.”
get to know me
Nutrition coach, world traveler, & master of meal prep
Bachelor of Science; Precision Nutrition Level 1; CFL2; RYT 200 hour power flow vinyasa
Water, all day every day, but it has to be in a bottle with a built-in straw
Levels Skrillex Remix by Avicci
or anything by Nicki Minaj
All the sweets! Especially extra fudgy brownies, chocolate chip cookies and ice cream
I have a B.S. in Interior Design and worked as a designer for several years (I even worked for HGTV!) before turning my life-long passion for health and fitness into a career.
Pushing clients to their potential through encouraging pep talks, tough love and shining light on all the things they’re doing right.